Panicking man, giggling woman and complacent cats fail to catch a terrified mouse

I can understand the minor chaos caused by a mouse brought into the home by a cat. You get a sense of it in this video. Incidentally, videos like this one which are embedded into this website sometimes stop working over a period of time for reasons beyond my control. If that has happened I apologise. This man is trying to encourage his cats to trap the mouse and kill it. He would rather do that than trap the mouse himself which he could have done as you will clearly see in the video. So you have to conclude that they are just making a video about this to sell to the news media to make a few quid. It’s an entirely set up and rather fake performance but I shouldn’t be too critical.

An interesting aspect of it is that the two cats look a bit bemused and complacent. The humans are far more animated and excited. I’ve exaggerated what has happened in the title. I don’t think this man is panicking really. He’s just making a lot of noise to inject a bit of excitement into the video which, as mentioned, was planned. His wife or partner is holding the camera and giggling. There are four parties to this video and they all play completely different roles.

Panicking man and complacent cats fail to catch a terrified mouse
Panicking man and complacent cats fail to catch a terrified mouse. Screenshot.
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