子供とめちゃくちゃ楽しそうに遊ぶ猫 – This is ‘cat messing around with daughter’ in Japanese. Well, that is what I think it means in English! There are two videos and they are utterly charming.
This took place in Japan. The little tabby cat was rescued. She was sick and blind. She formed a wonderful relationship with the young girl whose name is Chibi. The cat’s name is Teto. Their bond is inseparable. Teto’s sight in one eye improved. You wonder whether Teto’s health and indeed her sight has been regained through the love between these inseparable friends. Teto is five years of age and Chibi is eight. Here are some photographs of their beautiful bond:

Chibi looks a lot younger than 8 y/o which makes the video even more endearing. I would have guessed that she was 5 y/o.
This is so beautiful. I have no doubt that Teto’s eye improved due in part to love and security.
No living being can heal whilst cortisol courses around their system, as it does when they are stray, living the rough life.
Chibi will be a wonderful advocate for cats when she grows up!