“Oz”, an Oriental Longhair, is going to be a big celebrity in Australia where she lives with her human companion, a cat breeder, whose name is Deborah Nugent.
It’s an amazing coincidence that she is an Australian cat and has an Australian map right in the middle of her face. She appears to be a solid-and-white Oriental Longhair. The solid colour area appears to be chocolate colored.
She’s about a year old. The map started out as a splodge which became more refined and miraculously ended up looking like Australia. Tasmania is half-missing. Just below her mouth, on her chin is a area of dark fur which Deborah says is Tasmania!
She became a celebrity at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney. Now that she is in the Daily Mail (Australian addition), I believe the are plans to take back to the show so that her fans can get a second look.