Paw Project Bookmarks

Just over a year ago I designed some anti-declaw bookmarks for PoC and put the link to this wonderful web site on the back.

These are thumbnails. Please click on them to see them life-size. Then when you see them life-size, right click on the bookmarks and a sub-menu comes up and select “save image as” to download to your computer.

I thought it might be a good idea now to design some more, this time with The Paw Project link on the back, because quite a few members on various anti-declaw groups are asking how to help spread the word about the cruelty of declawing. Also about all the good work the Paw Project are doing repairing the paws of cats mutilated by declawing vets.

The bookmarks are very easy to make:

  • Take a piece of A4 card and put it in the printer, when the first side comes out, turn it over and put it in facing the same way and the second side prints neatly onto the back of the first side. Then cut round the bookmarks. This is the simplest and cheapest way to make them.
  • Or for stronger book marks, print the front and back on separate card, cut each one out and stick them together.
  • For even stronger book marks, laminate each one.
  • You could also make a neat hole at the top of the book mark and thread ribbon, embroidery silk or even wool through to decorate it up a bit.

There are many places the book marks can be left:

  • Pop one in each library book before you return them.
  • Ask the librarian if you could leave a pile on the counter.
  • Leave a few in your vets waiting room if he/she declaws, or scatter them around the chairs if you can do it without being seen.
  • Leave some in supermarkets and shops, with permission preferably, but they are small enough to drop a few in trolleys and at the checkout etc.
  • Pop one in every letter or card you post to anyone.

I’m sure there are many more places to spread them around. Some are quite colourful to catch the eye, hopefully there is a colour to suit all tastes. I haven’t ever added my name to any design before but have been told I should in case anyone should want to contact me for different colours.

All I care about is that my work saves some cats claws and I will do anything to help that happen.

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

22 thoughts on “Paw Project Bookmarks”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. A very good idea, yes i agree shes a wonderful Cat advocate. Will definitly share them out there.

  3. They say 3 weeks old but we don’t think they can be as she hasn’t been missing from being outside that long. The RSPCA are taking care of them.

  4. So tragic.
    Are the kits old enough to be without her?
    An article would be good.
    It makes me want to never leave my house. So many dangers.

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