Peanut: The Cat That Adopted Us
by Mary Lape
(Bay City, Michigan)
One fall night my husband and I walked around our apt.complex. I was always looking to see what I could find. I love cats!!!!!! God i love cats. Anyways we were walking one night and we came across this cat.
There was something not right about this cat. It looked sad and lonely. I tried calling it and my husband said to be careful because it looked as if it belonged to someone. I wondered why this cat was sleeping in the hall way curled up in a ball. I tried to get it to come to me but it wouldn’t.
The cat lifted its head up and looked at us and then laid back down. I was sad and told my husband I wanted to take it home. He said we would check on it the next night. I got up the next day and put a can of cat food out hoping the cat would come by. When I got home from work that day I noticed the can was empty and so I put it in the trash.
Later that evening my husband came home and I was ready to go look for this cat. We walked for 10 minutes and finally my husband said maybe the cat went in the apt. I was sad. Later that night I put another can of food out and later that night the cat came back. The next morning I was walking out the door and all of a sudden there she was. I called her to the apt. and she came in. She wouldn’t leave.
My husband decided we were going to name the cat Peanut. I asked if we could keep the cat and my husband said he didn’t care but what if the owner comes looking for it. I told him I doubt it. The cat was scared of us for a long time. We took Peanut to the vet and they asked how long was peanuts eye was like that.
We told them we had no idea because we found her. He said it looked like she was abused. Her eye was really not looking good. He said she was blind from being kicked in the face. Well we bought a home 2 yrs ago and Peanut and Fred both came with us. They are the happiest cats in the world and the more spoilt.
Peanut is doing well and trusts us well enough to sleep in our bed next to me. She follows me around like I’m her mother. I’m so glad we have her. I wish more people would take in a feral cat like we did. She is a joy to our lives and I don’t know what I would do with out her.