People want to kill this psychopathic witch who cut up animals

Brendan Evans

Nearly all the comments under the story reported by the website: express a desire to kill Brendan Evans rather than send him to prison. Their feelings are running high. This man is universally detested and prison is too good for him.

He lives in Florida. He stabbed his pit bull terrier 50 times and stuffed the dog into a suitcase. The dog did not die immediately but was heard crying by a passerby. He died later after intensive attempts to save him. The vets cried. In his apartment there were many dead animals and animal body parts. They include the paws of cats.

Also in his apartment was a 2017 witches calendar which was located in the kitchen on a counter. There were dead rats and an horrendous array of body parts. There was blood splattered on the walls and in a bedroom. There was fur in the oven.

Brendan Evans had told police earlier with respect to a different incident that he wanted to kill a duck because he practices voodoo and that it is his religious right. The police officer had found Evans trying to kick the duck and her ducklings. This report comes from the Sun-Sentinel.

Brendan Evans and Ollie his dog he stabbed 50 times
Brendan Evans and Ollie his dog he stabbed 50 times

There was an eight pointed star drawn on a kitchen wall and a candle shrine in his apartment. This indicates witchcraft. An 18 inch machete was found under the television stand in his living room. There were other knives in the apartment which were covered with dried blood and animal fur was found around the apartment.

Knowledge of this psychopath developed when animal advocates noticed that he was posting adverts on Craigslist in which she was trying to find cats or kittens to kill for sacrifices. This is according to the Justice for Ollie Facebook page. People put warnings about him on Facebook.

Mindy Moffat of the Justice for Ollie Facebook page stated that:

“Brendan Evans didn’t just kill Ollie in the most barbaric way, he has also killed many kittens: cats and I’m sure many other animals.”

Evans bought a couple of kittens from a woman in Delray Beach in June apparently. She call the police when he telephoned again a few days later requesting more kittens.

A $65,000 reward was offered for information leading to the arrest of the person who stabbed Ollie which allegedly, I have to use the word allegedly, was Brendan Evans. It is not clear whether anybody received the reward. Funds were also raised online and they were used in part to pay for Ollie’s hospital bills. As mentioned, the veterinarians worked tirelessly to save him and were in tears when he died of a heart attack due to his catastrophic injuries.

Evans has been in custody since November 15. He is a serial criminal including domestic violence, robbing a bank and has been sentenced in the past to 15 years of probation.

He has of course been charged with animal cruelty and may face a five-year sentence if and when convicted. That won’t be enough because as mentioned at the beginning of this page pretty well every single comment by readers indicates that they are strongly in favour of killing this man and someone wanted to personally torture him before doing so.

Photo credits: Top picture: Hernando County Jail. Bottom picture: Broward County Jail/Justice for Ollie.

7 thoughts on “People want to kill this psychopathic witch who cut up animals”

  1. It is totally unacceptable and should not be tolerated to say religion allows animal sacrafices.
    Its NEVER allowed. Its a lie there is NO religion that its ok in. BULL BULL BULL, no one has the right to take life of any kind.
    This Brenden Evans is a sick threat to society he should NEVER live free again END OF CASE ! There is NO JUSTICE for Ollie. Why didnt someone hear this going on?? Why did he make it to jail alive ?

  2. I think that you are mixed up. You don’t understand. Both the point that you make in the point that I make are not good for animals. Of course destroying habitat for wildlife is bad and reduces opportunities for wildlife to live but it is a different kind of animal abuse to the one described in my article. You just seem to be setting one against the other. I don’t like human population growth. I don’t like to see wild animals killed et cetera. You have used a username which indicates an extreme amount of arrogance and ignorance because we are talking about two different subjects both of which are bad for animals. I know that and I don’t need to be told about it by someone as stupid as you.

  3. I’m no criminal expert but I think people like this might use witchcraft religion as a pass to torture animals. And isn’t torture is one thing and sacrifice another? Neither of which should be tolerated in modern society. Never should have been. Sometimes I wish I could jump to the future when stuff like this has been so removed from our minds that there’d be no chance of it ever happening again.

  4. How many animals did you condone being crushed to death and buried alive or starved to death (for destroying their only foods) when they built your home, stores, and roads for you and you didn’t even bat an eye?

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