This is a simple act of kindness towards a cat by an elderly man in what looks India or Pakistan. There is a lot of cat abuse in this countries but this act tells us that there is a lot of kindness towards animals too and it is appreciated and admired worldwide. But for the fact that someone was walking by at the same time with a camera phone this act would have gone unnoticed. People who are kind to the vulnerable should be rewarded.

A lovely little random act of kindness, bless his heart…May Allah bless him.
It is also interesting to see that another man comes to the aid of the elderly guy as he has slight difficulty in placing the chair on the ground horizontally. He wants to do this to avoid throwing the cat off the chair which is a very gentle act in itself.
The video has been online for 22 hours but viewed a million times. As I said, it is nothing super special but it’s the kindness of this man which touches hearts. In fact, it is about kindness towards the vulnerable creatures on the planet which is to be admired the most.
The comments are almost universally very positive. One woman questioned if the cat was leaving an apartment and was not stuck on a ledge. I understand that. It is a possibility. It does not detract from the act of kindness.
Another commentor thought that the cat could have jumped down. I would disagree with her. It is just possible but the landing zone is very hard and the cat could have been injured.
The cat runs off as soon as possible. Domestic cats are ungrateful, we might say. We don’t expect cats to thank us in every situation. Cats do thank us sometimes. When we feed them they might head butt our hand. That’s a thank you. Or they come to us and ask to be picked up and cuddled. That’s not exactly a thank you but it is a sign that they are friends with us and want to be near us. For an animal that is close to their wild cat ancestor in temperament it’s a reward for which we should be thankful.