The breeders of what is called the flat-faced Persian, ultra Persian, punch face Persian (India), smushed Persian etc. got a bit mixed up way back in the 1950s when they decided to transform the face of the sweet traditional Persian, called the doll-face Persian to something more appropriate for the modern age, something less normal and more “exotic”.
They had to decide on a new breed standard. What would look more interesting, more refined? How can we make the Persian cat more attractive, they asked themselves? They decided to model the new cat on the owl. The owl is a very popular bird. It has a sweet face and they can be very amusing.
The owl has large copper/orange colored and round eyes. The face is nice and flat with all the facial elements in a vertical line, like a cliff-face. The subspecies of owl they chose had a tabby coat and small ears. Sure, the beak was a bit of a problem but they found a way of moulding the mouth and nose of the New Persian to give the appearance of a beak.
To be honest, I think they did a wonderful job. It took them about 50 years of intensive selective breeding but they achieved their goal:

What do you think? The trouble is they got a bit confused about what a cat should look like. You see, a cat should look like a cat!
Note: my thanks to Elena for finding the picture which I presume and hope is in the public domain. If not please tell me.
Thanks Jade. It is a shame and shameful (for breeders) that you find it difficult to buy a traditional Persian in Australia. Trad Persians are lovely cats. Contemporary Persians are a mistake; it is as simple as that.
The flat face (brachiocephalic) also stems from a mutation, unlike the wedge face Siamese. The persian extreme stems from a mutation that was nurtured and line bred then exported all over the world. Much to the detriment of the cats involved.
It is very very hard to buy a traditional persian in Australia.
Thanks fur the love guys! But fur the record I don’t have any squint or snore… I can’t say the same about my momma that woman snore like a truck! I always tell her your breeder really screw you over lol xoxo Luna
Hi Dan, thanks for sharing the Luna link.
Now I actually don’t agree about show cats in general. & I do show cats. ( but not a breed with extreme conformation)
As you say the lovely Ms. Luna likes being pampered and fawned over. It’s the same thing. some people would say Luna is exploited and abused because she is dressed up and carried around. but if she’s OK with it that’s what counts.
Maybe you know some show cats that are badly treated and have a miserable life, and that is disgusting. But I sure know some Persians who look like they are having a blast at shows. and I know they’re very much loved. & other breeds.
Cats just are not going to do well showing if they hate it, so that would take away a lot of the motivation to show that cat much even if the exhibitor is just selfish.
But some cats are just total hams.
and many cats seem to enjoy going somewhere and hanging out with their people & getting a lot of individual attention. Like Luna riding around town. but they go stay at hotels etc.
My cat Sam’s main complaint was that the judges should each have to spend half an hour playing with HIM.
(and it’s not just pedigreed cats. There are Household Pet classes. which is fun to watch. )
I do agree about all the new mutation breeds; I’m more bothered by those with structural mutations for example Scottish Fold and Munchkin. Then people start combining all these mutations as if trying to see how they can make the freakiest looking cat possible.
Or theres some people who want to get a breed accepted of cats that weigh like 2 pounds as adults!
Every time there is some mutation for a deformity or growth defect, why do people feel they have to go out of their way to preserve it and nurture it and inbreed it and make it a breed?
She looks great. Misaligned jaws are not uncommon for flat-faced Persians and Exotic Shorthairs. And has she got a slight squint? Or is it my imagination? Maybe she inherited it from a Siamese as she is pointed – a Himalayan. Siamese as you know are famously predisposed to the squint. But it does not affect eyesight we are told by the scientists.
PS: I love Luna, and feel she is not abused. She loves to be pampered, (her mom takes her everywhere in a gold purse/carrier) and fawned over everywhere she travels in the city. I am sad that she has disabilities, but she is otherwise a healthy and very happy cat. Had to show off one of our local beauties. 😉