by Jenny
(Mijdrecht, Holland)
I agreed to take over a Persian of 9 months old.
The owner had 2 Persians who didn’t get on so the youngest had been living in the bedroom for 3 months, too scared to come downstairs.
When the lady arrived and let her Persian out of the basket I saw a grey cat who at once hid under the settee. He looked more like 19 years old than 9 months.
As his owner had driven for 90 minutes I agreed to take him – with a lot of misgivings!
Three years later Zeus is as black as night, plays with my other 2 Persians and visits all the neighbours making up for his “bedroom” time.
Has anyone else heard of a cat becoming grey through stress?? I checked Zeus’s pedigree papers and he was indeed 9 months old when I got him.
Hi Jenny… this is absolutely the first time that I have read about a cat that turned grey at a young age and then back to black!
This seems extraodinary. And you believe it was due to stress, which seems to be the only reasonable reason.
I would be surprised if anyone else has heard of this before but would welcome some comments.
Thanks for sharing Jenny.