Here is the video of two kittens frightened to be in this professional pet drier. The ginger is more vocal – very vocal. He seems scared and wants to be let out. The carer is very sympathetic.
This is the Drybo Plus a professional pet cabin dryer to dry your pet after bathing. The temperature, speed and time can be easily set and adjusted via the embedded control panel. The airflow is described as being omni-directional from the bottom as this allows the hard to get at parts of the body to be dried effectively. And it envelopes the pet in a warm and cosy stream of air.
It is meant to be used for pets that are reluctant to be dried and of course it’s very convenient but the question is how good is it? It obviously dries the coat very effectively as we can see in the video but you wonder whether you really need this machine.
The alternative would be to dry them with a towel and then let them air dry naturally. I don’t see a problem with that myself. I am not against the machine particularly. I see a place for it in the right circumstances. I don’t like to see kittens frightened because they feel trapped in a small box despite the fact that there is a nice warm air flow going over them which they should enjoy.
I sense that in this instance the kittens are frightened because they are trapped after they’ve been nicely looked after by this female caregiver who appears to be a very nice person. I think she’s a professional groomer. I think these two kittens are not rescues but domestic kittens in the normal sense. But for some reason their coats needed cleaning. Or did they?
There is a question here whether it might have been better after seeing the reaction by these kittens to release them and dry them in the normal way as described. Just a question. I am not saying that this should have happened. I am saying that it might have been a better alternative.
There is no suggestion that this caregiver is anything but excellent but there have been some stories on the Internet of professional grooming parlours injuring or even on occasions sadly killing pets in drying cabinets because they’ve become too hot and the operator did not monitor the situation carefully enough. Just saying this for the record. I suspect that this pet dryer is very well engineered and has a temperature limiter which is reliable. It’s not cheap at US$599 in America.
In my view, kittens and cats should only be dried in extreme cases where there is a particular need to do it because there is something toxic on their coat which they might ingest or if they have a bad flea infestation.
In my opinion routine bathing of a cat or kitten shouldn’t take place for the obvious reason that they are fastidious self-groomers and do a wonderful job. They do not need the assistance and intervention of their caregiver. And bathing dries out the skin. Where there are two cats in the same home the bathed cat can instantly become a hostile stranger to the non-bathed cat as all their body scent has been removed.
Good points. Thanks Tamara. I take my lead from the behaviour of the kitten. He wants out. Let him out and dry him normally. That’s my thought. No need to dry him faster or more conveniently.
In the summer air conditioning is on and letting them air dry would take to long and they could get sick because kittens cannot regulate their body heat. When teething kittens get the poopers so I think that’s what she means when she says “you had a accident”. The drier box is less noisy then a blow drier. These driers are very popular in Japan and China where bathing cats is very popular. If the box didn’t make noise and trap them they would be happy to sleep in it, LOL!