Photo: Deluxe, High Walkways and Platforms for Cats

The title is self-explanatory. This is mainly for Marc and Ruth (Monty’s mom). I immediately thought of Ruth’s high walkway and platform and Marc’s forest of cat trees.

High rise cat walkways and platforms
High rise cat walkways and platforms

29 thoughts on “Photo: Deluxe, High Walkways and Platforms for Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Your thinking about making the home very cat friendly is spot on. I love it. Especially, as you say, the weather makes for a lot more indoor living than usual and Monty hates the cold.

    I would love to have this sort of set up at my home but (a) my flat is too small – Rudolph makes this point for his flat in Mumbai and (b) Charlie has three legs and is no where near mobile enough. Also he is pretty old. He can jump up but hardly jump down and walking is ungainly and tricky.

  3. Hi Ruth, I wondered whether you were inspired by these German feline walkways. I am very impressed with your husband who has built the walkway and platform. As you say, I think he likes Monty more than he admits and he certainly loves you and so he should ;).

    I think Monty is right about the mobile nature (wobbly) of the walkways. They look great, like something from a Harrison Ford movie but the tree dwelling cats are used to branches which are pretty solid. The inherent climbing skills of the wild cat ancestors of the domestic cat are based around trees and more solid structures.

    The carpet will probably help a lot. A continuous carpet joining the units together would also stabilise it somewhat and reduce the wobbliness. A last resort might be to place a support underneath to convert it to a solid structure.

    I am very impressed though. Monty is a lucky boy.

  4. Your cats find higher places naturally without this sort of furniture. I agree, you need a large interior space with high ceilings make this work really well. In the right home this looks great provided the owner of the house doesn’t mind a totally unconventional appearance.

  5. Thanks for exhibiting the excellent “Interior Decorations” for a cats accommodation.Such a arrangement is possible in Europe and America with its huge Bungalow houses and definitely not possible in apartment flats.As for my cats, they jump and prowl all over my small flat including the computer.As observed, cats love sitting on high places in the house.

  6. Monty doesn’t like how the suspension bridges are able to bounce a little. It scares him. My Aunt Dianne said she really hates that kind of bridge because it scares her walking on a surface that can move and sway. I would suggest maybe going with planks between suspended boxes instead of the suspension bridges for someone attempting to build this, or if ordering these, try a short bridge first and see if your cat will take to it. I would think if you order them you could add carpet over the bridges if you’d want to, but I would double check. Our bridges were made with wire cable. Rope can stretch over time, and maybe the carpet would add too much weight. I wish we could have made one of those hanging baskets, but they looked kind of involved– you’d need to sew to attach the basket. We just didn’t try it. Too bad we can’t order one for Monty. I’ve seen people make hammocks for their cats in an upper corner of a room. Again, we didn’t feel like getting out the sewing machine. But there are so many possibilities of things you can buy or make to allow your cat to have a whole new indoor world to explore. Kind of a must in a climate where a third of the year it’s too cold to go out, and another third it’s too hot and humid. Monty actually refused outside time on a relatively warm and snow free day to play on his indoor jungle gym.

  7. Monty’s walkways were based from these. We found a site from Germany. In Europe you can probably purchase them. We weren’t sure if we could get them here and even if we could shipping would have been prohibitively expensive. So Jeff looked at the pictures and came up with some things. Monty’s suspension bridges have cable on the side of them instead of rope. And of course, anything like this, you are custom making it to your space. I’ve seen these done with planks, but never with suspension bridges before. My husband was intrigued, so he built some for Monty. Jeff says he tolerates Monty but that he doesn’t love him. I can’t believe that since he gave up an entire day and part of the next to build Monty a suspended kingdom in our back room. Monty currently will run across the smaller suspension bridge, but he won’t walk on the longer one. We are going to try carpeting the bridges, to give his claws more to grip and make him feel more secure. The middle of the longer bridge is right in line with the vent from our forced air furnace. It gets nice and warm right there. I’m hoping with the addition of carpet Monty will find it a cozy play to nap, but we shall see.

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