Photo gallery of cats being rescued during Hurricane Harvey

There are eight photos of cats rescued during Hurricane Harvey which I gathered together after trawling the internet for a considerable time. There are far more photographs of rescued dogs. I am not sure what this signifies if anything. It might be that dogs being rescued are more photogenic because dogs can be picked up and carried while cats are nearly always placed in carriers. You can hardly see the cat sometimes.

If you want to see the images slightly larger accompanied by a brief description please click on the images. Please note that the bottom two photographs have been labelled as ABC News photographs. That does not mean that they took the photographs it just means that they published them as theirs. The photographs come from a video – still photographs (screenshots) of the same video.

P.S. The intellectual property right called copyright died on the internet. Google image search and Pinterest killed the concept. Other social media sites hammered the last nail in the coffin. Therefore I feel okay about publishing these photos here.

2 thoughts on “Photo gallery of cats being rescued during Hurricane Harvey”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Michael, thank you for the pics of the rescues. . . a very tragic situation in Texas. . . Harvey remnants are in my area now — mainly in the form of rain and some light winds. . .prayers for all in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. . . ♥♥♥

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