Photo of cat buddies looking out of a window

This is a particularly nice photograph of a couple of cats (who are clearly good friends) doing what cat’s do a lot of. Humans also do it from time to time particularly when the weather is inclement. For indoor cats this is particularly good entertainment.

Cat buddies looking out the window
Cat buddies looking out the window. Photograph by Felicity Berkleef.

About Felicity:

She is a 21 years old self-taught pet photographer in living in The Netherlands. She loves to take pictures of actually everything, but:

“I have to admit that my cats and other cats are one of favorite subjects! This because I can be creative with photography, but I also love to capture the story behind each photo!”

These are sweet photos. They capture an aspect of domestic cat life with which we are very familiar. It seems that Felicity (or someone else) placed the blanket over them for photographic effect and it works great. It is the element which lifts the photograph out of the ordinary; an excellent idea.

Here is a slight variation on the above. Which one do you prefer?

Cat buddies looking out the window as it rains outside
Cat buddies looking out the window as it rains outside. Photo by Felicity Berkleef.


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