Photo of ‘Spectacles Cat’

This is very strange. I have called him/her ‘Spectacles Cat’ because…well it’s obvious but what is not obvious is the photoshopping. I don’t see it. Maybe I am not good enough at photo-editing to recognize it. If this photo is not edited in Photoshop perhaps the photographer applied some non-toxic dye to the cat’s coat like they did to create Painted Cats. I don’t know but what I do know is that it is damned strange. Perhaps it is genuine 🙂

Photo of 'Spectacles Cat'
‘Spectacles Cat’ Or ‘Zorro Cat’. Photo: Pinterest.

If you know what happened please tell me in a comment. Message to Sarah Hartwell: please comment. Don’t tell me it’s edited.

2 thoughts on “Photo of ‘Spectacles Cat’”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It doesn’t appear that, even after two years have passed, that the authenticity of this cat’s coloring has been established.

    It looks real to me, but then again, I don’t know a lot about photoshopping to this degree. Besides, what would be the purpose of doing so? Eventually, the public will want to see this cat themselves; it would be a media star like Grumpy Cat was. Where’s it been? This is the first time I’ve seen this story even though I get all kinds of feeds. Strange.

  3. I have come across this cat’s image before. The markings look natural as far as I can tell. However I have never seen another cat like this in the world, so it does seem rather unreal. I would like to know if these markings are legitimate also. 💜💜🐾

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