Photo of Sphynx Cat and Judge at Romanian Cat Show

Sphynx cat being checked over by a judge at Romanian cat show
Sphynx cat being checked over by a judge at Romanian cat show

I don’t know who took the photos but I particularly like this one. It highlights the anatomy if this well-known cat breed and its monkey-like athletic abilities. You can also clearly see the webbed paws of the domestic cat.

See a page on the Sphynx cat.

6 thoughts on “Photo of Sphynx Cat and Judge at Romanian Cat Show”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
    • Eva, all cats have webbed feet like that. It’s just because of the fur that we cannot actually see their anatomy. . . ♥♥♥

    • I am pleased that you like it. I thought that it reflected this cat breed in terms of appearance and behaviour quite nicely.

  2. I also think it’s a nice photo. The cat looks at ease though not comfortable with how it’s held. It’s just used to that kind of handling, which I’m not fond of. I understand that the judges are only there to look at it, not necessarily pet or comfort them, but I’ve watched these “shows” and I would be more comfortable if they would slow down a little and connect a little with the inner animal and not just look at the exterior.

    This IS an interesting cat to look at though! I’d love to hold one once; it’s probably an amazing, tactile experience. A cat with warm, bare skin. So, human-like.


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