Photograph of a Maine Coon cat which looks like a drawing

This is a photograph by Armand Tamboly of a domestic cat. The title on Saatchi Art is ‘Persian cat’. The description of the photograph tells us that it was taken ‘from a Maine Coon cat in a studio…’.

Photo of Maine Coon cat described as Persian but looking like neither
Maine Coon photo by Armand Tamboly. I know I am in breach of his copyright but I hope he will forgive me as I am promoting his photography and encouraging a sale. I would hope that Saatchi correct the title however!

I have the following observations. This looks more like a drawing than a photograph which makes it interesting. It is a black-and-white-photograph. When I first saw the photograph I immediately thought it was a drawing. Also, as mentioned, it is described as a Persian cat, which is wrong, on the Saatchi Art website. This is a pretty, I would say, female Maine Coon cat because the features are quite delicate. The muzzle isn’t very large or square.

The ears are not that large and there is not much hair growing out of the tips of the ear flaps which is what breeders try and achieve. It doesn’t matter. This is a beautiful cat nonetheless and no doubt a genuine Maine Coon. It was just bred to be not that strongly Maine Coon in appearance according to modern interpretations of the breed standard. The caption also tells us that this image received a lot of attention when it was first published. It has been exhibited at exhibitions. It was included in the 200 Best Ad Photoraphers Worlwide book for 2014/15.

You can buy a copy of the image from the photographer. Please enquire by emailing at

Click here to see it on the Saatchi Art website.

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