Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner ‘declawing’

Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner 'declawing'.
Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner ‘declawing’.

Please do not be bored by the topic of cat declawing. I sense that people just brush the topic under the carpet. I have hammered away at it for a very long time, I admit. And I don’t want to do it. But I have to. It is the only way to achieve the result. The result is to stop this utterly objectionable operation which is only performed in North America.

It is being phased out in Canada. America seem to be wedded to the operation. There have been pockets of bans of declawing in cities in California and the state of New York banned it not long ago. That was a massive step in the right direction. But, there needs to be a federal ban. While there is piecemeal prohibition of declawing across America there are millions of kittens being mutilated. It is morally abhorrent.

Dr. Bruce Fogle said that declawing is barbaric. Dr. Bruce Fogle is probably the most high-profile veterinarian on the planet. He is both a prolific author and a veterinarian working in London, UK. If he says is barbaric it bloody well is.

And it is obviously barbaric. It is entirely unnecessary because it is done for the convenience of the cat’s owner.

It truly is time to stop it in America.

It can never be justified and millions of kittens have been brutally mutilated in the most horrific manner by this operation dressed up as the removal of ‘nails’ (to mislead the public) when actually it is an amputation times 10. Damn it. Stop it. Please.

RELATED: Complications Of Declawing

Below are some articles about the complications of declawing (below the ads). Please read them in detail. I’m not saying that there are always complications from declawing. I’m just saying that there often are. And cats hide their pain and discomfort. And there are many botched declawing operations. This is because they are done very rapidly. The relationship between a veterinarian and a kitten at the time of declawing the animal is a complete breakdown in what that relationship should be. It should be a tender, kind relationship with the kitten’s welfare totally at heart. It positively is not that sort of relationship when the veterinarian is chopping off the ends of the toes of that poor vulnerable creature.

1 thought on “Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner ‘declawing’”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. In response to “It can never be justified and millions of kittens have been brutally mutilated in the most horrific manner by this operation dressed up as the removal of ‘nails’ (to mislead the public) when actually it is an amputation times 10. Damn it. Stop it. Please.”

    You are WAY to nice!

    It should end “… Damn it. Stop it. NOW!”

    Maybe even a few colorful metaphors injected here and there.

    Declawing has no benefits to the cat, never, ever! In the long run, the owner doesn’t benefit and neither does his/her furniture. Urine causes much more damage than claws.

    The only ones who benefit from declawing are the veterinarians who perform the surgery. These vets worship money and have no regard for the health and welfare of their “patients”, a.k.a. victims.

    Don’t use vets who declaw. They hate cats and probably hate other animals too.


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