Picture of a defanged domestic cat

Tommy Boy
Photo: Nikki Brant Sevy and posted on The Paw Project Utah FB page.

Tommy Boy was declawed. Because of this he became a biter. This is not uncommon. As a consequence the owner’s veterinarian agreed to remove his healthy teeth. Can you believe it? There is an evil logic about it. It’s like saying I caused my baby to cry too much so I removed her vocal cords.

You can read all about Tommy Boy (formerly Zoe) on the following page:

Veterinarian removed healthy teeth of declawed cat because of biting

So moving into the present, The Paw Project – Utah announced on Facebook on October 5th that he is ready for adoption:

I believe that The Paw Project was involved in checking his paws for fragments of bone and making sure his paws were not causing pain. And that is that. I love this cat. He has suffered unnecessarily at the hands of a poor owner and an unethical veterinarian. Now he deserves a really excellent home where he can find contentment.

9 thoughts on “Picture of a defanged domestic cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks, Jane. He gets to “teeth” on my fingers, as long as he’s gentle, otherwise I say “Ow,” and pul away. He’s made quite a bit of improvement in the instances of biting too hard. They did x-rays. He’s got good x-rays on his gums. I did find his middle claws, that was my mistake. They were just hard to find, even though I massage his paws throughout the evening. Any other ideas? But he does knead his front paws as though something but besides being taken from his mother too young. Maybe you or someone can help me with this? TIA,

  3. As the fangs tend to be very deep rooted, maybe he has some root/bone fragments in his gum? This can cause irritation like teething, or even pain, his finger chewing might be a way of giving himself relief. A paw x ray might reveal how those two claws came to be missing.

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