Picture of a kitten playing with his shadow against a wall

I’d like any viewers to tell me in a comment what is wrong with this AI created picture of a kitten playing with his shadow which has been thrown onto a wall. It is a very fine picture but the computer which created it, DALL-E 3, has made a fundamental mistake which points to the fallibility of AI at this stage in the development of this fast improving and hugely impressive technology.

Anyone who spots the error in the image will be given a little PoC prize! 💕😎. It will have to be a surprise.

Kitten playing with his shadow but there is a mistake in this image. What is it?
Kitten playing with his shadow but there is a mistake in this image. What is it? Spot the mistake and win a small prize of my choosing. I asked the AI computer to create an image of a kitten playing with his shadow. It created a great image as usual but I spotted an error. Can you see it? The image was created for me and therefore I have rights over it. I grant a license for its use under the Creative Commons scheme. Click on the image to see it in its original size where you can download it by right-clicking.

Kittens and indeed adult cats (more so kittens) like to play with their shadow on a wall. They regard the shadow as another kitten playing with them and often practice their defensive skills with the shadow by turning sideways on and bristling their fur. The defensive mode. Their behaviour indicates that kittens and adult cats are not self-conscious or self-aware. They don’t recognise the shadow as theirs. But perhaps the reason is because they don’t comprehend the concept of light and shadow.

RELATED: I neutered my cat (removal of testicles). Is he transgender?

2 thoughts on “Picture of a kitten playing with his shadow against a wall”

  1. Correct. Well done 👍. If you want to receive a little prize as promised email me. My email is at the base of the site. And tell me if you live with a cat please.

  2. The shadow is facing the wrong way. It should not be facing the kitty but facing in the same direction the kitty is facing. It seems the AI confused a “shadow” with a “mirror image”.

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