I’m just having a bit of fun. And the website is about pictures of cats although many years ago that objective changed and the site is now about animal welfare essentially. This is an unusual photograph of a Persian cat. I guess we don’t see them jumping around quite so vigorously normally. The reason why is because the man is playing with his cat using a cat tease, a feather on a stick. Persian cats are said to be decorative and inactive which is entirely wrong because they can be just like any other cat when you tweak what motivates them, which is to chase prey.
Postscript: it may interest somebody to know that the reason why this site’s URL is “pictures-of-cats” is because when the site was started about 14 years ago the most commonly used search term in Google was, guess what, “pictures of cats”. Everybody was looking for pictures of cats and people still look for them. That’s why the site rapidly became the world’s number one cat site within two years. The site is still in the top three in my view in the world in terms of views but more importantly in terms of its quality. And I know I’m boasting but I do make comparisons between my site and others and I reckon this site is the best quality.