I am somewhat unsure if this cat is an F1 female breeding cat (queen) or an F1 male breeding cat (stud). I am pretty certain that he is a male and he is very large. He looks as large as the very largest Maine Coons. At the very top end of size the Maine Coon is a similar size to the F1 Savannah.
As the coat is very close to the body we can see the size and body conformation of the cat more accurately. This is a very substantial domestic cat. You can imagine why it is completely untenable to let a cat like this outside to roam freely in the US. Someone with a gun would shoot him dead in the belief that a dangerous wild cat was lurking around the neighbourhood.
That means you have to keep them inside which in turn means you have to work hard to make sure they are entertained as these are smart, energetic cats. Living with an F1 Savannah needs human input. I don’t believe that you can do it lazily.
There is another option which I think it successful but it’ll take some training and guts. Take him out on a leash. You’ll get looks and you’ll have to avoid dogs. But if you want to meet a person to be your new partner and impress them taking a cat this size out on a leash might achieve that objective. Below is Magic on a lead in Oklahoma.

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