Picture of cat’s tail sticking out of bloody garbage disposal unit

WARNING – UNPLEASANT IMAGE – Is this a sick joke? Is it photoshopped? It must be. It looks very realistic. It is shocking. There is no information and bizarrely it is categorized as a news photo on this website under the title: Dying Cat Mercifully Put Down Garbage Disposal. I understand that the site where it is published is known for this sort of prank so I’ll take that as confirmation it is fake. However, I think it is going too far as a prank. It is demeaning to the domestic cat and could encourage abuse.

Picture of cat's tail sticking out of garbage disposal unit
Picture of cat’s tail sticking out of garbage disposal unit

9 thoughts on “Picture of cat’s tail sticking out of bloody garbage disposal unit”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
    • I wasn’t aware of the onion’s reputation until this. Gone too far in my opinion. I hate to see this sort of thing as it is demeaning to the cat. It belittles the cat for me. It is a joke too far.

  2. Yikes! That came off The Onion, and they seem to be into shock postings. They need to be boycotted for this kind of stuff.

    • Yes, it is designed to shock. I don’t think should be allowed when it concerns animal abuse even if it is fake.


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