This shocking picture comes from the twitter feed of City the Kitty. It is horrific. When you present the product of the cat declawing operation like this it hits you in the face as to how brutal and frankly disgusting it is. This is the reality of the operation. Everyone should see it and digest it. Cat owners should reflect on it. They should ask, “Do I have the right to put my cat through that for my convenience?”
I am convinced that a lot of cat owners are ignorant of the true meaning of “cat declawing” thanks to the operation being downplayed by the veterinarians who have placed financial profit over the ethics of their profession and cat welfare. Shame on you all. You should look at yourselves in the mirror and ask, “How can I declaw cats when it is so obviously unethical, cruelly painful and unnecessary?”
I’ll say it again and again: declawing if legalised cat abuse. It is an assault on cats causing grievous bodily harm and all vets who perform the operation should be prosecuted for a crime under animal welfare laws. They would be in the United Kingdom and other European countries and Israel.