Here are four photos. I have collected them over the past couple of weeks. I thought I’d bundle them together and publish them.
The first photograph above is by Elena Shumilova who lives in Russia. She takes wonderful photos. For me they are a bit too engineered and slushy but they are superb. This is her son with their tabby and white cat. They have other animals that make equally stunning photos.
The photo above is by me. It was taken just outside my flat. This interesting looking tortoiseshell cat was with a flame pointed Siamese cat. I like the faint orange banding over the body and the startled, slightly fierce expression – all cat. There is another tortie (diluted) living nearby too. I suppose her caretaker lives somewhere on the estate, nearby, but I am yet to meet them. Below is her friend the flame pointed traditional Siamese:
The above photo I both love and hate. I love the almost destroyed scratching post. Some cougars are not allowed to keep their claws. I hate the cage. All cougars should be in the wild with miles and miles of safe space – no chance they’ll be allowed to have that.
Thanks a lot Alex. I enjoyed your comment. Come back!
Your ‘flame pointed Siamese’ is in fact a Red British Burmese. The shape of it’s face is not angular/ pointed enough to be a Siamese. The paler Burmese colours have a gentle ‘colour pointing’. The face shape of British Burmese is like a rounded/ softer/ less angular version of the Siamese and Burmese bodies are slightly less svelte than Siamese. British Burmese are also less likely than their American cousins to suffer from the genetic head disorder Meningeoncephalocele.
From a UK based owner/ parent/ personal assistant to four Burmese.
Probably declawed and put with the scratching post to give the impression that he has claws. I think this is a private zoo. Pumas and servals get declawed a lot because some Americans like to keep them as pets. I have met a declawed serval.
I love the first three pictures and hate the last one, I can’t tell if the cougar has claws or not but he looks very frustrated.
I HATE zoos, I HATE circuses and I HATE with a passion the people who think it’s acceptable to imprison or use any animal for the entertainment of gawpers.
That’s great news Dan – very sensible. I don’t see why not. Animal abuse is terrible and awful and should be treated as such.
I hadn’t heard about that, Dan.
I love it. It’s the strongest effort I’ve seen in an attempt to curb abuse.
Not as good as having a scarlet letter on their foreheads but still good.