Pictures of a pretty woman and a gym cat

These pictures are a reflection of 21st century life: dictated to by social media and the ever-present camera thanks to smartphones. The youth of today photograph everything because they are wedded to their phones and mobile phones have amazing cameras. They are better than many ‘proper’ cameras and getting better. My understanding of these photos is that the woman in the self-portrait (the second photo) took the picture of another woman as seen in the first photo. I could be wrong. They are both young and attractive. I believe the photos were taken in Kwangya, South Korea. These are South Korean pretty women.

They say you should always carry a camera if you want to be a photographer. Well, you can today without any inconvenience thanks to smartphone technology. These pictures combine: pretty women, cat, exercise, health, wellbeing and a perceived good lifestyle. A good and desirable combo in the modern world. They say the world is for the young. It is. The old are parked waiting to release themselves from their mortal coil.

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