Pictures of Katy P, the firecracker torture cat, who is looking much better and recovering

The reward to catch the torturer of Katy P, a young tabby cat, has risen to $10,500 (18th July: further rise to total reward of $23,435). Good news though: Katy P is looking much better and making progress in her recovery from her severe injuries.

Those of us who follow cat news know about this horrendous example of cat torture. I can hardly bring myself to write about it. On July 8th a person or persons unknown placed a firecracker in the rectum of a young, female, longhaired tabby cat named Katy P.

With God’s grace she is recovering. We are told that she has a sweet personality. PETA offered a $5,000 reward on 13th July. The Animal legal Defense Fund offered a further $5,000 and The Humane Society of Richland County is offering a further $500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator.

For those who might know something about this crime, Katy P lived at the following address: 135 E. Cook Road, Mansfield, Ohio. She was found severely injured on 9th July and immediately taken to Philips Animal Hospital.

If the criminal is successfully found, charged, tried, convicted and sentenced he’ll receive a maximum of one year in prison and a $2,500 fine. tell us that she has recovered sufficiently to have a bowel movement on Sunday.

Update from Humane Society of Richland County

**KATY P 7/16/18 UPDATE**
Look at this little 💩💩 making machine! Katy has used her litter box for the past 2 days! The vets feel confident in saying she is not incontinent. She will have the drain tube from her tail amputation removed tomorrow and is now cone free! Thank you all again for all of your support!

Comment which reflects the feelings of us all

Brian Wells: This breaks my heart that something can be so evil. I’m tears right now. Look at this precious baby. Whoever did this to her is an evil monster. They need to have the same thing done to them for real. I’m just so glad and thankful to God that she will be ok.

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4 thoughts on “Pictures of Katy P, the firecracker torture cat, who is looking much better and recovering”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. If they find the culprit I’d dish out the severest punishment. I can’t help but believe it is a stupid teenage boy. It is the sort of idiotic prank a young immoral man gets up to.

  3. I,too, have followed this story from the beginning. I’ve also offered to adopt as I’m a big animal lover, but live in San Antonio. I hope to god they find the culprit(s) and severe punishment is called for or this crap will continue. Thank you all for the very caring support for this little girl!!

  4. Me too. She looks great. Relaxed. It is a story I avoided because it is so horrendous. But having seen her recovering it is nice to report it.

  5. I have followed Katy P throughout this ordeal. I am just so happy that her healing is coming along nicely. She deserves the best home ever, where she will be cherished, loved, and taken care of for the rest of her life.💜💜🐾☮️☯️

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