Now On Facebook Now On Facebook

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Current PoC photo Furby with mouse

Current PoC photo Furby with mouse

It is with great honour that I have set up 2 Facebook pages for One is a group page and the other is a community page. Both are listed under

I realize some of you don't get on Facebook, but for each person who hates Facebook, there are 10 people who are addicted to it.

I want to use that to the advantage of I know all of you will agree PoC is the best site around for getting answers on everything from declawing and cat health to cat breeds to personal stories. I just want to tell the world the site is out there.

I plan to post 1 article a day to the group page. I will be pulling a lot from the archives. My goal on this page is to post an article each day that people will be interested in and want to read. This group will act as a sort of newsletter as each member will get an email once the post is made.

I'll add a few each day to the community page. That page is getting a lot of feedback so far. I hope all of you will join one or both of the pages and suggest them to friends. The beauty of the articles I post is they will be retained as page links, so people will be able to search timely topics not only from the website but also from the Facebook page.

I hope you will support Michael in adding the Facebook pages. He's not as into networking as I am, but he's getting the idea. I want to do everything I can to promote his site and was glad to do this at his request. Pictures-of-cats is the best site on the internet. It's time we let the world in on it.

If any of you have a favorite article, please feel free to post the link on the Facebook community (LIKE) page at and share it with the world.

Do all of you like this idea?


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Nov 24, 2010
Fantastic idea!
by: Leah (England)

I don't just like it I love the idea!

So many people will get to see it, they'll like it and they'll get others to like it!

I'm not a huge fan of facebook but I'll join both and let everyone know.

Nice work!!

Nov 23, 2010
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Well Elisa, you have outdone yourself again! That is a tremendous idea! I visit FB occasionally, but not recently.

I am a FB member through the Animal Rescue Site under the pseudonym of Phoenix Rising (here's my wall: ) BTW - that's Sadie's photo on the wall.

Please provide the links on FB so we can find the pages you speak of. It'd make it a lot easier.

Thanks again for creating a wonderful addition to PoC!

Nov 19, 2010
this picture is so cute!
by: Izzy R.

I love this pic is so cute! post some more.

Nov 19, 2010
Thank You
by: Michael

Thank you Elisa for helping PoC to network itself. PoC is a community of concerned cat lovers. It is our site not my site. Facebook will help to spread the word.

Michael Avatar

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