Piggyback police rescue: Two branches of Colorado law enforcement help a cat stuck up a tree

A cat in Colorado has two branches of law enforcement to thank for his rescue from a tree after being stuck there most of the day. He even got a piggyback ride back down!

cat rescued from tree
cat gets a piggyback ride after being rescued by police (Facebook)

The Fremont County Sheriff’s Office and the Florence Police Department worked together on a call on Wednesday after getting word the cat had climbed a tree and couldn’t get back down.

We can all watch these men at work (thank goodness for men who like to climb trees) since Sheriff’s Sgt. Richards filmed a video of the rescue as it rode on Sgt. Slattery’s shoulders.


A Facebook post explained the rescue Wednesday evening using a bit of humor

“Earlier today, Florence Police Department – Colorado Sgt Slattery assisted #FCSO Sgt Richards in getting this cat, who was stuck in a tree for most of the day, down safely. Sgt Slattery is also a volunteer Fire fighter and has waaaay longer arms than Sgt Richards!”

You may also thank them on the Facebook video link. As I’ve said before, as long as there are men and women who enjoy climbing trees, cats will continue to be rescued when curiosity gets the best of the cat.

1 thought on “Piggyback police rescue: Two branches of Colorado law enforcement help a cat stuck up a tree”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That actually looks like a good way to do it rather than try to hold the cat. Cats don’t necessarily like to be held in the best situations. A sure way is to put them in a sack, if you can. Tree climbers do that but I’ve never seen a FD guy do it.
    Good job! Animal rescuers are heroes.

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