by Ruth
Does your cat allow you to go out without feeling guilty? One of ours does but one doesn't.
If Walter sees 'going out' preparations being made, he just goes off to bed, he's a cat that likes his rest anyway.
Not so Jozef! He will try anything to stop us. He suddenly decides he desperately needs to go out himself and meows pitifully at each door even if he hadn't long been in and was quite settled before he saw us getting ready.
When that doesn't work he runs upstairs with us so that when we are ready to come back down he can lie across a stair like a stop barrier.
After climbing over him and reaching the bottom to step into my shoes by the front door, he runs down and lies on my shoes. He will sit on one of my feet if I've got my shoes on before he gets there.
'You are not going' is his very plain message. 'You can't leave me shut in and go off enjoying all that fresh air' lol
The final stage is to jump onto the front windowsill and sit looking out like a poor prisoner who never sees light of day.
He watches us go, with a really hard done by expression. I'd love to know if anyone else's cats do this too?