Please Help Us! Free Bengal Cat

Please Help Us! Free Bengal Cat

by Wyndi
(Olympia, WA)

Mogli is a 4 year old Bengal male that was adopted by me as a result of a friend of my daughters that went away to college. I love him.

Problem, he hates my other cats, he hates them so much that he pee's, not sprays, but pee's on everything. He is ruining my home. Mogli does fine with an owner that can be with him a lot, he loves to cuddle under the covers at night, he loves to play. He is a talker!

There are over 20 sounds he makes, 10 are most common and 4 are daily "speech." Did I say I love him? I didn't get to raise him from a kitten and with all the cats I have fostered and adopted over the years have NEVER had a cat that I couldn't keep.

He is neutered and declawed (front only) and could be a very good companion to a no-other-pet home. He does not like kids, or at least small children and is somewhat aggressive to them and will pee on their things as well.

Mogli did fine during a move and was great while the other cats were gone, he was the model citizen. Now with everyone home and settled (almost a year) and two grandbabies he is not happy, and therefore, neither are we.

Please, please help me give him the home that he deserves and needs. He is truly a love in the right circumstances, and he will be greatly missed. But he can't stay here anymore. I would hate to have to take him to the "pound".

I am running out of choices, I am afraid. If you are serious about making him part of your home and family please e-mail me at:

Thank You,

Wyndi Stevens

Hi Wyndi.. Sorry to hear of your problem and Mogli's problem. I have changed the title to try and get Google to find this page more effectively - I know that people search for "free bengal cat". It was changed for no other reason than effectiveness in achieving your goal - the successful rehoming of Mogli.

Forgive me, but I can't help but comment on the declawing. You might know how I hate it. Is it possible that it has made him insecure? Insecurity leads to defensive aggression and a need to make surroundings more friendly and cats do that by depositing their smell through spraying. Spraying also tells other cats to stay out of a cat's territory. It may be that Bengal cats being wildcat hybrids are a little more prone to urine marking that regular domestic cats. This may have compounded the problem.

Mogli is an insecure cat and I agree that he needs an unchallenging and emotionally very warm environment.

Good luck to both yourself and Mogli.

Michael Avatar

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Please Help Us! Free Bengal Cat

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Feb 16, 2011 Home
by: Wyndi

Dear everyone,
While I now understand everyone's opinion on declawing, Mogli just recently started this behavior (last 6 months).
Although you feel declawing is bad this isn't about his lost "knives", it is about trying to find someone to love my little tiger as much as I do. This blog is about finding a good home with no other animals, and preferably a more mature person that is single or a mature couple that can spend time letting Mogli love them.
He truly is a wonderful guy and as I type is sitting next to me giving me kisses (by head butts, as is his way).
Thank you all for your wonderful responses and attempts at helpfulness, they are appreciated.
All our best,
Wyndi and Mogli

Feb 12, 2011 To Wyndi
by: Ruth

The behaviorist you contacted needs to do some research on declawed cats because many of them are suffering just like Mogli and many end up in Rescue Shelters.
If you do go down that road make sure it's a no kill shelter because declawed cats with problems are killed on admission to them. In no kill Shelters at least they have a chance but many sit in cages month after month or are adopted then returned.
No cat deserves that because of some cruel vet agreeing to declaw him for an ignorant or selfish person.
I hope someone will give him a good kind home soon.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 12, 2011 Sorry
by: Michael

I am sorry the comments are slow coming through. This is because I have to moderate comments on the Bengal cat rescue page because on one post some people started to become abusive. And I am slow to moderate comments! Sorry.

Michael Avatar

Feb 11, 2011 A no-kill shelter
by: Anna

Dear Wendy:

I read your story a couple of times, and I think I hear you heartbreaking plea. It really would be best to find another home for your little tiger and I hope someone responds soon.

But if not, you shouldn't feel guilty for considering a good no-kill shelter.The Bengal is so beautiful, I am sure he won't stay there for long. I definitely know that some good shelters exist. My next door neighbor comes to one often and spends the whole day just cleaning the cages, playing with the cats, and posting their pictures on the web to find the loving homes. Too bad we are in a different state.

In fact, when my Daughter was picking up our furry cat Lyova from the shelter in Ann Arbour (or maybe the cat picket HER up, who knows?), one of the caretakers had actually shed a tear. She said she was just about to take that kitty to her own home, and that she would miss her terribly.

Feb 11, 2011 declawed
by: Wyndi

Mogli was declawed as a kitten by the breeder and so he came that way when we go him 2 years ago. Th behaviorist I contacted didn't feel that was a factor.
We really have tried everything to keep him. Now he is in his outside kennel (12' x 10') or the bathroom unless directly supervised, which I feel is cruel. I just don't have a lot of choices for him. I truly love him and his breed but his behavior the last few months is unexceptable. He really needs to be an only.

Feb 09, 2011 meanwhile remedy
by: Anna

Hello, Wyndi:
Thank you for your efforts to find a better home for your fostered little defenseless and declawed, but so beautiful and stoic Bengal!
Meanwhile here's my advice (it was tested successfully in a multicat household).
Take something that smells like your own body (not any of the perfumes, soaps, creams or citrus, though, - cats hate these:-) - it could be a sock, or a sweaty tee shirt, and rub it well on his fur. You can even let him sleep on it or play with it for a while. Because to the cats you are the alpha-owner of the territory, it will give him a sense of acceptance and protection. He will definitely cool down and behave better. I promise:-)
Hold on, Bengal, help is near!

Feb 09, 2011 Mogli
by: Ruth

Poor Mogli, how sad that someone had his toe ends amputated and that is more than likely at the root of his problems.
Many declawed cats are aggressive to other cats and don't like children because they feel (and of course are) vulnerable.
The peeing is another effect of that cruel operation.
Have his paws ever been checked for claw regrowth or a splinter of bone moving ?
He will also be prone to arthritis because of having to walk differently and being unable to exercise the way cats do by digging in their claws.
He's done his best to adjust to living a disabled life and will need a lot of love and kindness, I hope you can find him a home with no other cats or children in it so he can have some years of happiness as best as declawed cats can.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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