Please respect your cat. Many millions of great cat caretakers or guardians do. However a significant number don’t. This is not a lecture. I just believe as does Ruth, who made the poster, that cats should be treated with respect as it is the cornerstone of best cat caretaking. If you respect the cat you are bound to understand cat behavior because you can’t respect a cat without that knowledge. If you understand cat behavior you will see a cat as a cat. It straightens out any false expectations that a person might have. It prevents a person declawing their cat. It means the person will allow their cat to express all the natural desires and drives that a domestic cat has, which leads to contentment in the cat and, as a consequence, in the person. Respecting the cat builds the perfect cat/human relationship.
The poster below is free to use under a creative commons license provided it is used “as is” and a credit provided as follows: “Poster by Ruth AKA Kattaddorra”. It can be downloaded by right clicking on the poster and selecting, “save image as..”. The poster can then be printed as a hard copy or its size reduced for use on the internet. This page is part of the PoC website. You can go to Ruth’s page by clicking on this link: CATS SHOULD BE TREATED WITH RESPECT.