Please take my cats to the RSPCA. I can’t take care of them any more

“Please take my cats to the RSPCA. I can’t take care of them any more. They have been wormed, had flea drops on, but still have upset tummies. I have no more money and am struggling to feed myself let alone 3 cats (with needs). I can’t afford to take them to the vets. Thank you.”

Heart rending note left by cat carer
Heart rending note left by cat carer

This is the note that was left with a mother cat and her two kittens, snuggled together in a pet carrier next to waste bins in a side alley off a street in Birmingham, UK.

When they were found they were still quite warm and therefore they had not been there for long. The two guys who found the cats said it was heartbreaking to read the note. They thought the cats had been cared for properly and loved.

One of the men, Paul Barnett, who found the cats took them home and telephoned some animal shelters and is awaiting their help. The other man is Pete Ash.

Source and picture:

9 thoughts on “Please take my cats to the RSPCA. I can’t take care of them any more”

  1. I stand by what I said. Michael posts every week on cats left outside that end up the victims of abuse. In this case the cats were packaged for easy carry off and who knows what. It is a roll of the dice who will find an animal that has been abandoned let alone one trapped in a carrier.
    Sadly had she been put in touch with a good rescue they might have helped her. One could also point out that this was a mother cat with kittens.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Rachel. ME King is an excellent commenter and a very decent person but in this instance I tend to favour your assessment.

  3. Judgemental what! If she was in a flat complex, then she’d have known that lots of people go down to the bin area – which may even have been inside – you know that no more than I do! What about a bit of compassion and empathy – rather than jumping to conclusions and passing judgement. As they were still warm and cosy, they could even have been the bin collectors and she timed it accordingly. Clearly she loved and cared for her kitties and this truly was a last resort – perhaps a few pennies from you to the PDSA and people like her would be able to keep them would be a nice thing!

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