Plumber complains because he’s monitored by a ginger cat

Plumber complains because he's monitored by a ginger cat
Plumber, later at the Bar: “This freakin’ cat sat in a sink, stared at me, and judged everything i did for two hours..”
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

Source: Reddit.

8 thoughts on “Plumber complains because he’s monitored by a ginger cat”

  1. That’s hilarious! Must be reserved for “professional” plumbers only. When we work on our plumbing, the cats are nowhere to be found. πŸ˜€

  2. Hahaha. I love this. We know who is in charge. I agree Michael. Probably the best mental stimulation the ginger cat had that day.

    • Another one that makes me smile. A way to mentally stimulate a domestic cat! I should have made that the title to the article.


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