PoC Cat Charity Donation for July 2014

Every month PoC gives money to a cat charity. The amount depends on the number of comments.

I will carry over the June donation to July and add the two together. I will make the cat charity donation at the end of this month (August). The June comment figures were:

  • Start: 36732
  • End: 39189

Making a total of 2457 comments for June.

For July the figure are:

  • Start: 39189
  • End: 40928

Making a total of 1,739 comments for July.

Combined this makes: 4196 at 5 cents per comment. This makes 210 USD or £125.

There were some suggestions for donations on the June page. If anyone has a another suggestion for a donation please leave a comment.

Thanks again for all your support.

23 thoughts on “PoC Cat Charity Donation for July 2014”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.

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