PoC Cat Charity Donation for June 2014

There were 2457 comments in June (39189 – 36732). At 5 cents per comment that works out at: $123 or £72.

The months fly by don’t they?! We have to decide a charity for the June donation. There were some nice suggestions in the comments on last month’s donation page. We might select one of those or I am open to new ideas.

My thanks to all for sharing you views. They are always most welcome.

11 thoughts on “PoC Cat Charity Donation for June 2014”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I Think be good to give some towards the Westberry Cause. Otherwise the place that does shadowCats. Just whatever is fine. A big month for Donating.

  3. Hi Michael

    Do you think you could consider Walsall Borough Cats Protection league?

    Mr Jinks has had more surgery at a cost of £800 to correct his twisted leg and I know this would help so much. I’m doing what I can £272 from my sponsored slim I’m tin shaking on Saturday and doing a bring and buy sale in August so any help would be so much appreciated.

    Thanks 🙂

  4. I really liked Cindy’s suggestion from last month.

    Per Cindy:

    “I would like to suggest Shadow Cats Rescue which is a sanctuary in Round Rock, Texas. They take FeLV and FIV positives and provide them a home and care for life if they are not adopted. They also have an “outback” area for ferals.
    Their vet clinic is Central Texas Cat Hospital which does NOT DECLAW!!”

    This rescue seems to do everything I could hope for.

  5. The Cat house on the kings in California needs funds. They do an amazing job for their kitties rescue and have cats for adoption to vetted homes.


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