PoC Cat Charity Donation for May

donation from pocFirstly, my apologies for the late payment. However it is still just inside the month! I read all the comments suggesting various cat charities and on this occasion decided upon an individual who is setting up a rescue operation on her own and seeking crowd funding, a new way of raising money on the Internet.

I decided upon this charity because it was our first decision and I am reminded that I made a commitment to donate to it. However, I will certainly bear in mind the other charities mentioned in the comments. Thank you very much for your suggestions.

donation from PoC pictures of cats org

Kitten nursery
Kitten nursery – see original post

As it happens, I’m not sure whether my donation will actually work out for the better because this lady is seeking $3000 and at the time that I made a donation she had only received $100. I don’t know but it may well be money down the drain but we have to try without the fear of losing the money.

I hope the regulars agree with this decision. It is always difficult to make a decision of this nature.

9 thoughts on “PoC Cat Charity Donation for May”

  1. Let me guess. That’s about 0.1% of all the money you made from advertisers from exploiting dead and suffering cats in the media. That’s the usual going-rate of donations to income from ensuring that there are dead and suffering cats everywhere from “rescues” and TNR programs. Did I guess right? I bet I did! You’re no better than the woman who locked up all the cats to suffer to death, just so you could make a buck off of cats, no matter how you do that.

  2. Thats good it going to a worthwhile cause to save kitties. Its good she responded as helps to know where the money is going.

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