PoC International Party

A fun article today, inspired by Michael who wrote on another article:

‘Imagine a PoC party with no booze and just tea – Valerian and Catnip in teabags with hard biscuits. There would be plenty of fun’

poc party
Poster by Ruth aka Kattaddorra


DW ‘Maybe a little booze?’
Babz ‘No booze? L’

Oh I think maybe a little booze is called for, a celebration of meeting our ‘PoC family’ at last. Hopefully, one day Michael will be hosting this party for PoC cat lovers and our cats. Everyone will be welcome except Woody and his ilk, we don’t want cat haters spoiling our fun.

All cats will be welcome of course because we know for sure that all guests will be careful and respectful and make it a happy occasion for our cats too. Even Marc’s bike will be welcome, I’m sure he won’t mind cats sitting on it.

We hope that Jeff (Monty’s mom’s husband) will build a walkway for the cats, where the cats who don’t like to mingle can sit and indulge in catnip, or valerian tea bags.

So, there will be alcoholic and non alcoholic drinks, along with singing and dancing and praising cats. Yes and hard biscuits too Michael, as long as we have some of Babz home made cheese scones and chocolate cake which are to die for!

Has anyone else got a speciality they can bring along to share? It will be almost like a Faith Supper at Church where everyone takes along some food, except that they have no booze, well apart from the Communion wine of course.

Anyone singing must ensure that their song has ‘cat’ in the lyrics.

  • ‘What’s new Pussycat’
  • ‘I Thought I Saw a Pussycat’
  • Maybe someone can think of more?

We can play: ‘Pussy in the Corner’

And we can recite poems about cats:

  • ‘The Owl and the Pussycat’
  • ‘Pussy cat Pussy cat Where Have You Been?’

No sorry Dee you can’t recite Woody pee pee …or maybe you can if it’s unanimous that we all want you to when we’ve had a few drinks lol .

Look out London, here we come ………………….

Ruth aka Kattaddorra

85 thoughts on “PoC International Party”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Your Jeff is a man of many talents then! Beer at Church picnics! Really? I’ve never heard the likes lol

  3. Not all faith suppers at churches are booze free. At my old church they had beer at the church picnic every year.

    A party for PoC’ers would be wonderful. It’s fun to think about. Kind of like our game nights, soup suppers, talent shows, chilli cook offs, and spaghetti dinners at my church.

    Not only is Jeff a great carpenter, he’s an excellent cook. He wins the chilli cook off every year.

  4. I love this! Yippppeeee a party, what a ball we’ll have with cats and bikes and teabags and lots of booze and cakes and finger food for humans and kibble and water and fresh catnip for cats, there will be no bullying (do you hear me Walter?) we could play Puss the Parcel! Wouldn’t it be lovely to meet up for real, I bet we’d all get a shock that POCers aren’t a bit like we’ve pictured them in our minds.

  5. Oh yes Harvey too, I was trying to think of everyone who comes to PoC, sorry I missed you Harvey.

  6. Harvey isn’t so far away either – I guess 3 hours. By plane of course, lol. Maybe the 2 weeks notice gives me 2 weeks to ride to England 🙂

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