PoC Paid Helper Required

PoC Paid Helper Required

by Michael

Hi..I want to create a database of all the animal shelters in the USA and map them. I also want to do the same thing with cat breeders. I’d like to see how it goes with animal shelters, first.

I’ll do the mapping. I need help to list the shelters in a spreadsheet. Don’t be worried about the spreadsheet. I can show you how to do that. It is straightforward.

There will be about 5,000 shelters to list as a rough guess. I will show you the list and what to do etc.

I don’t know how long it will take. I would have thought about one week (40 – 50 hours).

If someone whats to earn a week’s wage please contact me. It does not matter where or who you are. You just have to be disciplined, patient and accurate. LOL. I hope that is not asking too much.

What is a week’s wage? It depends on where you are?! But the amount is negotiable. I just need to see if someone will agree to do it first.

The idea is to create a first of its kind. A single map that marks out all the shelters in the USA with details of the shelter when the marker is clicked.

This might help coordination and cooperation.

Leave a comment if you would like to do this. If there is more than one person I’ll have to decide! Damn.


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PoC Paid Helper Required

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Jan 10, 2012
Still looking! NEW
by: Michael

I am now back to looking for someone! It is quite difficult work as it requires checking that Google maps recognises the address. Sometimes modifying the address works. So it can be fiddly and multiply that by a lot of entries and you have a headache.

I am working on it. I don’t think you want to do it, Elisa. You have too much already and I know you! LOL. You are like me, you like to do things fast.

Jan 10, 2012
Let me know
by: Elisa

If you need me let me know. My hours have been cut at work so I’m up to it. Plus I’ll be on a faster computer at work. I do have a full plate but I haven’t dropped it yet. LOL

Jan 09, 2012
Glad you found someone
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Michael, I am glad you found someone to help you out. You would not have lost me as a friend. My husband took our computer in for service when he was having a problem and he did not make sure that our backup system was current before doing this. They said they would not wipe the hard drive, but of course they did. Turns out we had nothing backed up since January of 2010. I’ve spent most of today putting music I composed back into Finale. I lost about 15 pieces (at least). We were not able to transfer anything directly from my old notation program and we tried scanning the music in, but it didn’t input quite right. It seems like it’s just best to put it all back in by hand, one note at a time. Not being very proficient at the program, this takes me forever. Lyrics have to also be typed in again. At least I had hard copies to go from.

I lost probably a good 40 to 50 hours worth of work, easily. And we’re still married! So if I had agreed to help you out with your spreadsheet it would not have cost you my friendship!

Jan 04, 2012
Found someone
by: Michael

I think I have found someone! Thanks for thinking about this though. Much appreciated.

Jan 04, 2012
Thanks Michael
by: Ruth

Thanks Michael, I know you were thinking of me being so busy and I very much appreciate it.
I think Elisa has enough on her plate too.
Being one of the 3 UK volunteers who collected declawing data from Shelters for 2 years for Dr Hofve I can tell you it’s mind numbingly boring and doing that was heartbreaking too.
But the feeling of helping with something so important far outweighed that and being paid for this job will be a bonus for someone too.
I hope someone with time and patience and needing a bit extra money can take it on.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 03, 2012
by: Michael

Thanks Ruth. I don’t think Elisa would want to do it even for the money…LOL! She likes writing but this is boring data input. And I wouldn’t ask you either because I’d probably lose you as a friend!!

I think I need someone who is unemployed, has time on their hands and who wants to earn a bit of money.

Jan 03, 2012
Ask Elisa
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

Not to be volunteering anyone (though my husband claims I do it to him all the time) but I think you should ask Elisa to do it. I think she’d do a good job and it would help her earn some money for her cats. It must cost a fortune to subsidize Furby’s cat nip habit alone. If she wants to get that cat into rehab she’s going to need some dough, plus chances are he will relapse and be right back on the nip in no time.

Well, she is my suggestion, seriously, because I feel she is doing important work with cats and could use the extra income from a job she could do in her spare time.

I’m a fast typist and could input the data for you, but I’d rather wait and see if someone with a greater need would like to earn some money. If no one volunteers and you get desperate, I would do it.

Jan 03, 2012
by: Michael

I had hopped to map all of them! There are about 5,000! I guess that must be private and public. Although I am open to suggestions.

I just mapped 9 in Alabama as an experiment:


I know the names and addresses of them all but I need someone to input the data. Boring work but I will pay. Dorothy, do you have a list of public shelters?

Jan 03, 2012
Not me
by: Barbara

No good me volunteering for this as I go out to work and wouldn’t have the time to do it properly, I hope someone with time to spare offers to help, good luck with the project, it sounds huge.

Barbara avatar

Jan 03, 2012
Public and private?
by: Dorothy

Hi Michael, do you want both? I can see the public shelters would be easy to gather county by county, but the small private shelters might take some time to be thorough.


Jan 03, 2012
by: Michael

Thanks Ruth I’ll keep you in mind but I think you are too busy. I’m thinking of you when I say that. Maybe no one wants to earn some easy money! It’s funny.

Jan 03, 2012
I won’t see you helpless
by: Ruth

Hi Michael, I hope someone else volunteers as I’ve a lot on at present but if not I won’t see you stuck, I’ll help you.
Whoever said retirement was a time to relax in was wrong weren’t they lol

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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