I came across this rescue story while checking the web for police or fire department heroes. This rescue occurred August 29, but a touching story never goes out of date. The hero of this week’s happy ending is Assistant Chief Tim Keith of the Muldrow Police Department in Oklahoma, and the rescue was all captured on his police body camera.

According to the Mudrow Police Department Facebook page, Officer Keith was driving his young daughter to school when she spotted a kitten who had gotten itself into a bit of trouble while investigating a Chef Boyardee ravioli can. While able to venture partially inside the can, the kitten couldn’t get the can off of its little head.
Officer Keith was able to approach the kitten and free it after which the kitten gave him a grateful look before scampering off. The can was disposed of properly by Officer Keith before he continued on his way.

Thank you, Officer Keith. And thank your daughter for recognizing a cat in distress and wanting to help. You’ve taught her to love and respect animals at a young age. She’s definitely headed toward a lifetime of animal rescue.
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You can try to foster mama but if she’s truly feral you may never get her tame enough to pet her. Although she would be safer inside and feral cats, while they don’t enjoy we mere humans, they love the companionship of other cats. If it were me I’d TNR mama, have the kittens fixed under a discounted program (look around, there are likely some within driving distance) and try to find them homes. I worry about ferals this year because coyotes are really bad right now all over the country. Any outdoor cat is looked upon as a coyote treat and coyotes can scale 6-8 foot fences. Be sure to have the kittens checked for intestinal parasites, which could kill them quickly without them showing symptoms of being sick.
And as Michael says, don’t over vaccinate.
Hi Ed. I enjoyed your comment. You and girlfriend have done a great job in carrying off a successful cat rescue. I am not sure you need advice because you have plenty of common sense and intelligence – more than enough to get the job done. I sense you are doing a very nice job and the kittens are adorable. Kittens should not be weaned too early as it might cause them to develop mental health problems later on. As I recall 9 weeks of age or thereabouts is the age to wean cats. Early weaning can cause cats to develop pica and sucking on people’s ears and so on.
What I’ll do is ask Elisa to comment because she does lots of fostering and raising of kittens.
I have fostered one kitten and then I adopted him and raised him! I am a failed foster carer! I just made sure he was well fed, safe and secure (I kept in him inside for the first 6 months or so) and socialised (this means ensuring that they grow up being relaxed around people but some caution in a cat regarding people is a good thing I believe). Obviously the usual vaccinations should be done but don’t be lulled into over-vaccinating. It is argued that boosters are not required. Although veterinarians argue about this. Check this aspect of cat care out.
When I went out with him for the first time he was on a leash. He comes to my call most times.
i know this article is over 2wks old, but had to comment y pleasure at their rescue cuz my gf & i just rescued 4 kittens 2 days ago on our property. 2 were in/under a rose bush & the other 2 were under her car. theyre just 5wks old. 2 are girls & 2 are boys. the good thing is the motheris around & we are currently trying to TNR her so she can be adopted along with her kittens. we plan on adopting 2(probably both girls)which leaves the other 2 which we are hoping they will be adopted together. we THINK the mother was abandoned cuz eventhough she IS standoffish she doesnt hiss or anything when my gf goes near her & she doesnt sprint away either. shes young, probably less than 2yrs old & she showed up around the time a house nearby vacated about 5 or so months ago. the local shelter has been great. they already helped us out by giving the kitties their shots, giving them a flea treatment, they & got us set up to foster them with food & kitty-safe litter. its our 1st time fostering, but we already have 2 4yr-old male cats. we are keeping them separated for now since they are technically feral. its only been a few days, but it seems like the “tortie”(i think thats the right term)girl has already chosen usas she constantly seeks our attention, naps on us, & purrs loudly when we pet her. the others are in various stages of accepting us so it seems like they will have no trouble getting adopted. theyre VERY energetic & seem healthy. we are very pleased. any advice though would be greatly appreciated as far as things to look out for with the little ones. we have a safe, clean area for them to sleep, eat, drink, & play. we just dont want to miss anything or mess anything up. we are also unsure what to do about momma. she seems to want to be around them as she tends to camp out outside our back door & meows to her kittens. my gf thinks we should try to foster her too, but ive read that THAT will make it harder to socialize the kittens. we ARE going to TNR momma cuz there are SEVERAL cats in our neighborhood. her tom is a bit of a local fixture around here, but no one seems to want to get ANY of the cats around here spayed &/or neutered. the prevailing attitude seems to be “animals should be allowed to do as they please”. we have a lot of strays here both cats AND dogs. again ANY advice is GREATLY appreciated. ill post this on the current article as well & i will check for responses. thanks! heres a pic of them resting on my lap.
Police and firemen (and women) should always post these little rescue stories. It’s good for everyone’s morale.