Police car runs over and kills cat

This is an example where it would have been better if, in the UK, there was a legal requirement to report a road traffic accident that resulted in the death of a cat. It is an anomaly that it is not.


Harry, a microchipped, handsome ginger tabby with very faint markings, was sitting in the middle of the road. Right away, I have to say that this indicates that this is an area which possibly is unsuited to outdoor cats. Sorry to have to comment on that but it seems to be a factor.

A sixteen-year-old neighbor of Harry’s owner saw a police car coming down the road at high speed with blue lights flashing on Sunday last. This tells us the police were possibly attending a crime and that the road is a well used one.

The driver made no attempt to brake and the witness, Ali Nasar, said; “I don’t know how they could not have seen it.”

The car went right over Harry and killed him. It seems that the police stopped, knocked on someone’s door and asked for a black bin bag, scooped up Harry, placed him in it, put the bag in the boot of their car and drove off to then dispose of Harry’s body.

This has all the appearance of an attempt to cover the ‘crime’. Of course this was not a crime but an accident but as Harry was microchipped (the police would not know that) the police could have gone to the nearest vet or called the RSPCA and scanned the microchip to discover the owner and then apologised and returned Harry. It is important for people to be able to say their goodbyes. But, alas, the police demonstrated a lack of integrity.

As the owner, Mr Hunt’s daughter, Lily, and Mr Hunt himself believed their cat had gone missing they had been searching for him. Eventually they discovered what had happened.

Mr Hunt telephoned the police and was told that Harry had been ‘disposed of’. That is it. Do we know where and how? We don’t.

“For all I know they could have tossed him straight in the bin” (Mr Hunt). That’s what I’d expect happened.

Mr Hunt is disgusted and has requested a formal apology from the police officers involved.

The police say they are trying to identify the officers. I believe that they know who they are. They are delaying matters so that it fizzles out. This is typical of the police. When they do something wrong, rather than owning up, they try and hide it. This is not a good quality especially for the police who should set high standards of integrity.

One of the officers is a woman. You’d have thought that would have made a difference.

Source: Daily Mail Online

9 thoughts on “Police car runs over and kills cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. How very sad! My sincerest sympathies! Poor Harry! There is no excuse for the police not to have attempted to stop and to find the owner. None!

  3. Good point about reporting accidents. You are right it may have knock on effect. It appears the police immediately decided to cover up the accident. From the outset there appears to have be no thought given to doing the right thing. If I am correct it supports my view that the police have difficulty in setting decent standards of integrity.

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