Police Investigation into Tuscaloosa Cat Abuse Video which Went Viral

This is an update on a cat abuse case that went viral after a video was uploaded to the social media website Twitter on November 2 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. According to Tuscaloosa Police Lieutenant Teena Richardson, an investigation was launched by the Tuscaloosa police after phone calls and emails started coming in about someone abusing a cat.

viral video on cat abuse

Tuscaloosa Police recently named the University of Alabama student who posted the approximately 10 second cat abuse video as Brandon White. The suspect’s mother, University of West Alabama police Officer Josette White, and her son aren’t offering any statements at this time. An attorney has been secured and police have held a press conference, which can be viewed below.

Update: this is the video. Don’t watch it if it might upset you. It is quite horrendous actually. This is clear animal abuse and a crime.


Tuscaloosa police and cat

Police Chief Steven Anderson reported that White also posted photos of himself where he appeared to choke a cat on the social media site Snap Chat. Tuscaloosa police assigned an investigator to the case last week, but no one at the home where the abuse allegedly took place could be contacted.

White was contacted by phone and investigators, including those with the University of Alabama police, visited the apartment on November 3rd. They were allowed inside the home by an adult female, but found none of the items shown in the video posted by the suspect.

A video of the Tuscaloosa Police press conference can be seen below:

A search warrant was delayed on Friday when officers were unable to get a warrant because a judge was unavailable in Sumter County where the suspect is from. On Monday, officers were able to get a search warrant signed by a circuit court judge after contacting another circuit judge in Marengo County. Tuscaloosa as well as Sumter County were able to get inside White’s home and to personally see the cat which they assessed as “safe and unharmed.”

Investigators took photographs and a video of the cat and gathered documentation showing that the cat had been seen by a vet. The vet’s receipt listed a physical examination as well as rabies and a FVRCPC vaccine. With the abuse the cat suffered, it would seem necessary to have more than a basic exam performed to ensure no internal issues were suffered. From what I gather, the cat is still in the home.

This is turning into an interesting case. Several people are accusing the police of wrongdoing in how the case is being handled, both in how the suspect as well as the cat, now known as Jenny, have been treated. Police are saying the White family has been uncooperative throughout this investigation. A Facebook profile page has been set up for Jenny. The Tuscaloosa PD Facebook page is also very active at this time.

Please forgive the length of this article. It’s a very complicated case. It does show just how stupid people are when it comes to social media. Not only is it wrong to abuse an animal, about the most stupid act an abuser can commit is to then brag about the abuse on social media.

If anyone has additional information, please share it in the comment section. This will definitely be a case to watch.

Sources: ABC

Please comment on Facebook as well as it helps spread the word – thanks.

Associated: Crush Videos

16 thoughts on “Police Investigation into Tuscaloosa Cat Abuse Video which Went Viral”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I’ve lived in Alabama years ago and it’s a good old boy state unless you get more attention for this case the abuse will go on till the cat is dead. No one will get in any trouble and just get another cat and do the same thing to it.

  3. Elisa. It is a very good article for which I thank you and it is getting a discussion which I love and others should too. Don’t worry about the issues you describe.

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