We have a Brexit crisis in the UK. It’s political chaos but at this precise moment there is nothing more pressing that ensuring the front door to No 10 is opened to let Larry in as he has waited patiently long enough. A police officer knocks on the door to alert the doorman inside and, voilà, Larry trots in.
NOT NEWS, JUST CUTE: A policeman knocked on the door of 10 Downing Street so Larry the Cat could get back inside. pic.twitter.com/XkpGei4iOC
— Sarah Hadley (@shadleyia) November 20, 2018
For those who aren’t aware of it, Larry is the resident cat at No 10 Downing Street which is the offices of the Prime Minister of Great Britain. More precisely it is the headquarters of the Government of the United Kingdom and the official residence and office of the Prime Minister (on the letter box the Prime Minister is described as the “First Lord of the Treasury”).
Larry’s role is to (a) add soul to the place (b) provide light entertainment (c) catch the odd mouse and (d) deter rats.
He’s still safe despite No 10 being plumb bang in the middle of London which is choked with traffic. Although the building backs onto St James Park and the road outside is closed.
Source: Sky News via Metro.co.uk.
It looks very British. It is like a cat being at the front door of the White House and a security guard letting her in. Larry has rights! Can you imagine someone putting a cat flap into that shiny black door? That’d be a laugh.
That was so cool.