Cambridgeshire Constabulary (law enforcement) in the UK have posted on Facebook the story that their officers took on the task of rescuing ‘these beautiful felines from a house after they haven’t been fed for at least 24 hours’.

The cats are what I’d describe as Turkish Van type cats based on their head markings.
The interesting aspect of this story is how the police (and not the RSCPA) decided that the cats needed rescuing because they had not been fed for 24 hours. This is quite a short time without food to decide that the cats needed rescuing.
Perhaps we don’t have all the facts. The cats look in good condition and we don’t have reports that they’ve been neglected. They don’t look underfed or starved. They simply look anxious in their ‘cells’ away from their home.
We don’t know if the police have spoken with the owner. And if so whether they made the decision to take the cats from the person on the basis of what they’d discovered. That may be the reason rather than the failure to feed the cats for 24 hours at least.
Either way it is the first time I have read of cats being removed from a home under these circumstances. I am not suggesting that the police made a bad decision. I am saying that not feeding a cat for 24 hours without more is not enough to take the cat from their home. The whole rescue process and being in ‘cells’ as shown is arguably worse than not eating for 24 hours.