Actually there was a reason: there was an ongoing feud between the dog’s owner and the local police because he has made complaints against the police.
I can’t watch the video and haven’t watched it but it needs to be spread around because I think this behavior is an example of how society is becoming more stressed. That stress is affecting how people behave including the police.
The police are becoming too defensive and they are overreacting. It is isn’t just in America. In Britain it is probably worse. You can’t demonstrate in Britain anymore. The police just corral you (called “kettling”) and then arrest you for nothing.
Or if you try break out they grab you and hit you. That is a crime but no policeman ever gets arrested. Respect for the police is waning. Remember the days when people respected the police. Not anymore. In Britain, they have made too many mistakes and shown themselves to be corrupted, biased, defensive and unreliable when it really matters. That does not apply to all police, obviously. But that is the impression people are getting.
If anyone can watch it, please leave a comment and tell me what you think. The police have said that they would not return his dog’s body to his owner. How bad is that? Compounding the problem. Insensitive and like a police state.
I am the same. I can see it without seeing it because there are one or two still pictures that tell me all I need to know. Horrible. Callous. Unnecessary.
I canno tlook at it. Ruth? PLEASE look at it again, for me. 🙁
Thanks for that Ruth. I’ll have a look at it. The comments on YouTube are not kind to the cops.
The story in our Daily Mail
I made myself watch it as these things MUST be seen so we can try to do something about it by protesting. But I couldn’t make out what it was all about, couldn’t understand what they were saying, when the police handcuffed the man with the dog it looked as if he jumped out of the car to protect his master. The police looked to me panicked and frightened of the dog. It was HORRIBLE, I won’t describe how the dog died. People were screaming! How can the police get away with doing this?
I’m so thankful our police aren’t all armed here in the UK and that it’s not normal for everyone to have guns in their home like it is in the USA.
That all looks like a different world to me living in a small UK town where our police are mostly decent people, yet they are still hated by those who commit crimes and those criminals are untouchable and they know it.
It seems not many people have much respect for other humans or for animals these days.
It frightens me!