Actually there was a reason: there was an ongoing feud between the dog’s owner and the local police because he has made complaints against the police.
I can’t watch the video and haven’t watched it but it needs to be spread around because I think this behavior is an example of how society is becoming more stressed. That stress is affecting how people behave including the police.
The police are becoming too defensive and they are overreacting. It is isn’t just in America. In Britain it is probably worse. You can’t demonstrate in Britain anymore. The police just corral you (called “kettling”) and then arrest you for nothing.
Or if you try break out they grab you and hit you. That is a crime but no policeman ever gets arrested. Respect for the police is waning. Remember the days when people respected the police. Not anymore. In Britain, they have made too many mistakes and shown themselves to be corrupted, biased, defensive and unreliable when it really matters. That does not apply to all police, obviously. But that is the impression people are getting.
If anyone can watch it, please leave a comment and tell me what you think. The police have said that they would not return his dog’s body to his owner. How bad is that? Compounding the problem. Insensitive and like a police state.
He must have been a policeman 😉 If some says you should be fired it means what you are saying means something. It carries weight and is not just pap and internet filler. You should be proud of that. The Max shooting (the Hawthorne case) seems to be an absolute classic case of abuse of a policeman’s power to fire his gun at a companion animal. Wanton maliciousness.
I can’t watch it. Will anything happen about this? Is america really a police state and world bully? It can’t go on like this.
It happens to sensitive people Michael and you are right it doesn’t help you to be happy, but it does make you more determined to fight against all the abuse you can and YOU are doing that right here on PoC
You MUST switch off sometimes though because you’d be no use to animals at all if you got so depressed that you gave up. I’ve seen that happen to people! It happens to me and I have to give myself a good talking to lol and be glad of even the small difference we are making because sadly, we can’t save the world.
Depression is horrible so be kind to yourself when you can, go to peaceful places and ‘refresh your body and spirit’ so you can carry on ….. 🙂
I know exactly what you mean by images being “burned into my brain”. I didn’t think it would happen to me. I didn’t even think about it. But I now have images of animal cruelty burned into my brain and I don’t think it helps me to be happy.
Once was enough Caroline 🙁
From 18 years old I have had horrible images burned into my brain because I can NOT turn away and pretend cruelty isn’t happening. I don’t want to look but I have no choice because if we all bury our heads in the sand then nothing will ever ever get done to stop this.
Do you want my nightmares? I don’t think so 🙁
And this isn’t the end of it. The police department has been sued several times since 1991. On the Hawthorne Police article a commentor said I should be fired for writing that article.