Polish breeder in China creates world’s most outstanding looking Maine Coon

They are called Oticami. They are a Maine Coon cattery (breeders) owned and managed by a Polish family. They are based in Guangzhou, China. This is unique.

Superb Maine Coon  Vivo
Superb Maine Coon Vivo. Photo: Oticami cattery (believed)
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They have a website and an Instagram page. They have another Instagram page on which are photos and videos of probably the most outstanding Maine Coon ever created. His name is Vivo.

“If a royal bloodline exists for domestic cats, Vivo is their King.” – Reddit user

Why are they in China? Guangzhou is a place in China where they love to eat cat meat! Ironic.

“Apparently in winter in Guangzhou, 10,000 cats are eaten daily. This seems a lot to me.” – Michael

Although there are some other Maine Coons of similar appearance. I was going to say ‘of similar quality’ but appearance does not necessarily mean high quality. The point I am making is that I don’t know how good their health is.

I believe that his coat is a black smoke. Yes, this is confirmed as correct.

He has a face which is part human and part lion. He is incredibly distinguished looking. His lynx tipped ears are amazing. His light grey charcoal ruff is more amazing. He looks out from the computer screen knowingly as if he understands and is slightly perplexed at the weird human world.

He’s the best looking Maine Coon I had seen although the Maine Coons with human faces are amazing too. I wonder if this breeding line is connected.

Here are some pages on the Maine Coon cat breed:

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