Polls- Silverandstone.proboards.com

Polls- Silverandstone.proboards.com

by Starlock

Excuse me– I was just wondering if there was a way to format the Poll Box for FCOTF (silverandstone.proboards.com) so that it matched our current skin (like the deceasedcats one), and to get a HTML code so that we could add it to our site. I’ve been receiving requests from our members =] could you help us out?

–Falling Tree

Hi Starlock.. as you probably realise I use “third party” software from to create these polls because pollcode are very good. Anyone can use them so you could simply play around with it yourself and put the poll on you own site.

That is probably the simplest solution. There is a pretty good range of skins but obviously not one that exactly matches your site but you can find a color that is close or if allowed by pollcode.com modify the code and include an image background. The poll is just a table so an image background can be added (the same background as you use for your site). If you need some help on creating the poll for your site get back using the comments and I’ll try and assist.

The only problem I can see is that the polls on my site are for visitors to the site and they are there to benefit visitors and my site. I don’t think therefore that I could include poll results from the poll on your site into the totals on this site as it would pull visitors from my site. That might sound harsh but it is a reality.

The truth is that a poll on your site that shows members of your site voting for it, is on the face of it a bit pointless. They are bound to vote for it. What I could try is make your poll on my site match your site’s look and feel and you could then link direct to it (I’ll put a book mark above it so you can go straight to it).

Thanks for asking and of course I am willing to help.

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