Pondersoa Glenn MHP resident Star Valley, AZ

by Jerry
(Star Valley AZ)

Carolyn and I feed two…if not three generations of feral cats in this park…….most have been abandoned by residents who come and go from this place.

At this particular time, a brood of mature kittens are now being bred by the adult male cats around here. And there are also one or two adult females pregnant again.

We probably cater to and feed a dozen cats, maybe more. We have discussed the feral cat program of capture, neutering and release with people at the Humane Society in town and with Lisa of the Friends of Ferals program. We have heard it said that help was on its way to us, but this has never materialized.

So, if anyone associated with the program is listening….we need help……….as it is almost certain that by May, there will be another dozen or more kittens added to the breeding line…and it is certain that someone familiar with trapping needs to be involved in the particular problems associated with this MHP and the cat population that has taken over.

Your help will be appreciated……


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Pondersoa Glenn MHP resident Star Valley, AZ

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Feb 22, 2012 TNR
by: Dee Ocala Florida


I was in the same situation until about 6 months ago when a very small cat rescue group in the area started up a TNR program.

It is worth calling every animal rescue group in your area, even if it just to get them thinking about a program.

In the meantime and if you are able, buy a couple of traps (they are pretty cheap on amazon), call around to local vets in your area to see if you can negotiate reasonable pricing with them, and do your own mini TNR. I was able to do that for a while and this is what an animal hospital was willing to give me:

Feral Males – neuter, rabies vaccine $25.00
Feral Females – spay, rabies vaccine $35.00

It was hard, sometimes, to come up with $$. But, it was well worth it not to go broke feeding 15 more cats come Spring.

Best of Luck, Dee

Feb 20, 2012 I hope you get some help soon
by: Ruth

Carolyn and Jerry you are two wonderful people to care so much.
I do hope you get the help you need very soon.
You badly need a Cats Protection organisation there like we have here in the UK.
All I can do for you is share this article on my facebook page.
Good luck.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 20, 2012 Feral cats, huge problem !!
by: Anonymous

It’s highly commendable that you & Carolyn are feeding so many feral cats. Please read article within this site titled “Feral cat problem is ours” unless TNR is used these fertile cat WILL continue to bree thus increasing their numbers. Please ask for help to get some traps & neuter/spay these cats soon.
Wish you & Carolyn the best
A long time cat lover
Southeast Arizona

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