Pope Francis Says That Cats Go To Heaven

cat in heaven

Conservative Catholics have a no-pets policy with respect to heaven because they say animals cannot pass through the Pearly Gates of heaven because they neither have souls nor are they baptised. In addition, animals don’t have the free will to decide between good and evil.

The current Pope is named after Francis, the patron saint of animals and it is therefore no surprise that he appears to have gone against the conservative Catholics in stating that “Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.”

In saying this, the Pope has pleased many animal lovers, especially Catholic animal lovers I suspect, because it means that their pets can join them in Paradise.

The Catholic Church has opened the door to gays and divorcees who traditionally were the foes of the Catholic Church. Now Pope Francis is being feted, apparently, by animal rights groups for embracing animals (The New York Times reported).

In addition, Francis was quoted by Italian newspapers as claiming:

“One day, we will see your animals again in the eternity of Christ.”

Pope Francis appears to be rewriting the rules of the Catholic faith but then we know him as somebody who speaks his mind and makes off-the-cuff remarks. Perhaps the rules will not be rewritten as a result of the Pope’s entirely correct and charming sayings.

Pro-animal groups have been objecting to the conservative attitude of many Catholics in preventing animals going to heaven. Maybe this is an opportunity for change.

Cat lovers are all familiar with the Rainbow Bridge, which is a reference to a deceased cat being transported to heaven where they will be with other cats and dogs of the family who have died previously and where the cat’s owner will join them when their time comes.

12 thoughts on “Pope Francis Says That Cats Go To Heaven”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. If PARADISE is a place where every wish comes TRUE.

    My wish then, “Give me my cats so I can have a plenty of time of fun and happiness with them <3 ".

  3. What I can understand is, if PARADISE means PEACE and HAPPINESS which a normal human can wish on this earth and can not find any where.

    That means, if the lord of heaven sends me to paradise and there I become sad just because I can not see my LAILA, SAJID, BLACK BEAUTY, PINKY etc. there.

    My question is to Allah Almighty then, What kind of PARADISE should it be, if I am sad?

    As I said,”if PARADISE means PEACE and HAPPINESS”. So, I will be much happy with my innocent friends out there. 🙂

  4. Lovely words. They are very comforting. We need a bit of comfort. Well, I certainly do. I believe that Pope Francis is a good Pope. He is wise and he’s genuinely saintly in that he cares deeply for the poor but does not care that much for the trappings of the church and its wealth.

  5. I am a Catholic and I am thrilled that we finally have a pope who realizes that animals will be in heaven. I have always believed that there would be animals there and that I would see my pets again, of this I have no doubt.

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