Possible Albino Exotic LH

Possible Albino Exotic LH

by Cindy
(Our Favorite Things Cattery)

Have not had the genetic testing done yet but I believe him to be an Albino.


Hi Cindy. He is very cute. How rare are albino cats? Pretty rare I guess. Can you tell us some more about him in a comment? I see your cattery breeds Napoleon dwarf cats and Munchkins. Here is a link to your cattery:

OUR FAVORITE THINGS CATTERY (opens in a new window).

Comments for
Possible Albino Exotic LH

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Oct 06, 2009 NOT an Albino!
by: Lisa James

This baby is a preciaous pet for sure, but he's not an albino, he's simply a cute blue eyed white pet quality kitten. If he was an albino, the pigmentation in the iris of his eyes would be pink, not blue. Think true red eyed albino rabbits, rats, or mice in the pet stores. The gene for albinism is EXTREMELY rare in cats. In the over 30 years I've been in cats in one form or another, I have NEVER seen one myself, or heard of one that could be verified.

Sep 15, 2009 How Rare Are Albino Persians?
by: Cindy

I'm not really sure how rare they are. I wasn't even aware that's what he was until I saw a site on the internet describing them and the "bell" went off in my head. He has beautiful pale blue eyes and he's a real sweetie - loves to snuggle!

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